Live Insects
Shop All Feeder Insects
What are Feeder Insects?
Feeder insects are live insects raised and fed to pets or captive animals, especially reptiles, amphibians, fish, and some birds. They provide essential nutrients and stimulation for animals that would naturally hunt insects in the wild. Common feeder insects include crickets, mealworms, superworms, dubia roaches, and black soldier fly larvae. Each insect has its own nutritional profile, so selecting a variety and ensuring they are properly fed, or “gut-loaded,” can enhance their nutritional value for the pets consuming them. Fluker's has a wide selection of feeder's available for your pet and a Live Arrival Guarantee Policy to ensure your pet's satisfaction!
Don't Forget to Gut-Load Your Feeders
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The Benefits of Gut-Loading Insects
What is gut-loading? Some people are still not familiar with the term gut-loading. Gut-loading crickets (or any feeder insects) is actually beneficial for the reptile, not the insect.
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Small Roaches: Common Myths Debunked
Roaches often get a bad rap. People tend to associate them with dirty environments and disease. However, not all roaches are pests. In fact, some small roaches can be quite beneficial.
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Boost Your Reptile's Health
In captivity, reptiles need daily vitamins and minerals in their diet to stay healthy and avoid health problems. Fluker's makes sure we provide products that will sufficiently help you take the best care.
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