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Superworms are an excellent source of calcium, fat, and fiber, and they yield higher amounts of these nutrients compared to mealworms due to their hard chitin. This thick chitin can make it harder for some pets to eat, so ensure your pet can handle it.
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Nutritional Benefits
Superworms are rich in essential nutrients and are particularly valuable for their higher calcium, fat, and protein content. Their nutritional profile makes them a highly desirable choice for many insectivorous pets.
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Gut-loading and Dusting
Gut-load mealworms with nutrient-rich foods such as dark leafy greens or commercial gut-loading diets for 24-48 hours before feeding them to your reptiles. Dust mealworms with a calcium supplement before feeding to ensure your reptiles receive essential nutrients.
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Encouraging Natural Hunting Behavior
Superworms are much more active than mealworms, making them appealing for pets that enjoy hunting or are picky eaters. Their movement can attract insectivorous creatures.
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Live Guarantee & Shipping Policies
Live Delivery Guarantee Spring/Summer/Fall
We Guarantee Live Delivery of your insect order. Should you experience a problem we will issue a credit at our discretion. We offer a variety of shipping options. These options vary greatly in service level and price. Please pick the option best suited for your area and needs. You have 2 business days from receipt of your order to report a loss. Please report all claims promptly. To request a credit please call our sales team at 1 800 735-8537 or use our Credit Request Form click here
Live Delivery Guarantee Winter
Fluker Farms guarantees live delivery when temperatures are as low as 16 degrees at the destination and/or regional sort facilities during estimated transit times. While most insect growers simply refuse to ship at temperatures below this threshold, Fluker Farms recognizes how much you rely on live insect for your pet’s nourishment and feel you should have a choice in the matter. Therefore, we provide the following options when the weather drops to 0-15 degrees (we will not ship to any areas below 0 degrees).
Ship Without Guarantee (SWG)
You can choose to have your insects shipped when the night time temperatures are between 0-15 degrees by selecting the SWG option, however, we cannot guarantee live delivery and NO REFUND will be given for insects that do not arrive alive. Please check your shipping hub, postal is Memphis, and UPS overnight is Lexington, Ky for appropriate temperatures as well as your local hub.
Hold For Weather (HFW)
If you choose the HFW option, your order may be held up to 7 days while we wait on improved shipping conditions. If after 7 days the weather doesn’t improve enough for your order to be shipped, it will be cancelled and any charges refunded.
Shipping Options
For your convenience we offer a variety of shipping methods from Fedex and the United States Postal Service. Please choose the method that is best suited for the conditions in your area. Keep in mind that Fluker Farms will replace any insects that do not arrive alive (subject to the extreme weather policy outlined above). Please inspect your packages upon delivery and contact us immediately with any problems. All live insect claims must be made within 2 business days of delivery. To request a claim, please log in to your account to view order history and request a refund for the order in question. All claims will be processed within 2 business days.