
What we raise at Fluker Farms

Overview of all Fluker insects raised and sold

For the past 65 years, Fluker Cricket Farm has been raising feeder insects as fish bait and prey for birds and reptiles. The selection has grown from the basic cricket and mealworms to also include superworms, fruit flies, hissing cockroaches, and black soldier flies. Be sure to watch for our newest product, Dubia roaches, as well.

Listed below are the insects raised and sold at Fluker Farms. Check out our experts’ insect care sheets, as well, to learn how to properly maintain your stock for premium feeding.

CRICKETS: While the cricket, or Acheta domesticus, is an insect commonly found all over the world, Fluker’s readily available live crickets come from a special strain called the “American Mix.” Multiple farms throughout the country mixed and bred their stores for more than 60 generations to create this particular insect. This is why our Acheta domesticahave less mortality upon delivery and survive longer after they arrive, up to 8 weeks with proper care and nutrition. 

These brown crickets can range in size — some as small as â…› of an inch—, but a Fluker cricket can grow to be a full inch in length. These insects are a rich source of protein, and when gut loaded properly, offer many other nutritional benefits to reptiles and other pets. Our crickets are offered in quantities from 100 to 5,000.

To properly maintain your crickets in order to provide the most beneficial nutrients to your pet, be sure to check out our Cricket Care Sheet for additional information. (      

MEALWORMS:Another popular Fluker feeder insect is the mealworm. Mealworms, or Tenebrio molitor, are the larvae of darkling beetles, similar to our superworms. Mealworms have one purpose: To eat and grow until they have stored enough energy in their bodies to transform into a pupa and, eventually, a beetle.

Mealworms can be found almost all over the world in warm and dark places. Burrowing and eating are a top priority when it comes to being a mealworm, and they will eat just about anything, including grains, vegetables, or any organic material — fresh or decaying. Their feeding habits play a huge role in the ecosystem by aiding in the decomposition of any spoiled organic material. 

Highly concentrated in protein and fat, these insects make for both an abundant and nutritious food source for birds, bearded dragons, chickens, and even fish. Fluker mealworms are available in quantities of 250 to 5,000 and can be bought in either medium or large sizes.

For specific details on how to care for your mealworms, check out our Mealworm Care Sheet. (

SUPERWORMS:Superworms, or Zophobas Morio, are also known as King Worms and are darkling beetle larvae used largely as feed for reptiles, birds, fish, and chickens. Superworms are often confused to be giant mealworms, but these much larger insects have a hard exoskeleton and do not need to be refrigerated. In fact, refrigeration will kill Superworms. 

While generally accepted by lizards, turtles, frogs, salamanders, birds, koi and other insectivorous animals, the superworm’s tendency to bite with its strong mandibles can pose a danger to pets, but crushing its head can avert this. 

Their nutritional values are similar to those of mealworms, so it is possible that supplementation with calcium is necessary if they are used as a staple food item. When fully grown, these insects can reach just beyond a full 2 inches in length.Superworms are only offered in a large size and in quantities from 100 to 1,000.

For specific details on how to care for your superworms, check out our Superworm Care Sheet. (

BLACK SOLDIER FLY LARVAE: Our most recent addition to our available feeder insects is the black soldier fly, or Hermetia illucens. Black soldier fly larvae are great supplemental feeder insects for your reptiles. Unlike crickets and mealworms, they don't require dusting with calcium powder as they’re already a naturally good source. Black soldier fly larvae can grow to be a full inch in length; at this stage, they are considered to be at the most nutritious and most digestible stage for a feeder insect.

This particular species is also quite beneficial to the environment, in addition to being an easily sustainable source of protein for both animal and human applications. These flies are among the most efficient animals in decomposing organic waste. Our black soldier fly larvae are offered in both medium and large sizes and in quantities from 250 to 1,000. 

For specific details on how to care for your black soldier fly larvae, check out our Black Soldier Fly Larvae Care Sheet. (

FLIGHTLESS FRUIT FLY CULTURE:Our flightless fruit flies — a genetic variation of Drosophila melanogaster— also make for a convenient feeder insect, particularly for smaller pets.

The average size of an adult fruit fly will only reach a mere 3 millimeters in length, so these particular insects are best used to feed small reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, fish, and even other insects. However, even after the insects die, they will continually pupate from eggs laid by the adults. This will allow you to keep fruit flies for a while, as long as they are taken care of accurately. 

We offer our fruit flies in self-containing cultures, with each culture maintaining a lifespan of about one month.Each of our live flightless fruit fly culture contains 40-50 medium adult flies. We also offer these flies in two sizes: regular or giant.

For additional information on how to care for your fruit flies, check out our Fruit Flies Care Sheet. ( 

MADAGASCAR HISSING COCKROACHES:Originally from the island of Madagascar, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, or Gromphadorhina portentosa, are one of the largest cockroaches in the world; adults can reach 2 to 3 inches in size. Hissing cockroaches are often kept as pets or offered as feeder insects. With a relatively long life span, they are capable of living up to 5 years. 

Unlike their cousin species, Madagascar hissing cockroaches are known for the hissing sound they can make. When provoked, they force air through spiracles — respiratory openings — on their abdomen. Also unlike most cockroaches, these hissing cockroaches don’t have wings but are considered excellent climbers, including on smooth glass. Therefore, they should be kept in an enclosure with a lid to ensure they do not escape. 

Fluker Madagascar hissing cockroaches are available in adult and juvenile and are sold individually.

To properly maintain your hissing cockroaches, be sure to check out our Hissing Cockroach Care Sheet for additional information. ( 

DUBIA COCKROACHES:The newest insect coming to Fluker Farms is the dubia cockroach, or Blaptica dubia. The roach’s high protein and excellent nutritional value makes it a superior feeder insect. In addition, these roaches are widely seen as easier to keep than crickets and are more mobile than superworms or mealworms, which provokes a better feeding response from your pet. 

Additionally, what makes the dubia cockroach, which are also commonly known as the tropical spotted roach, a particularly good feeder insect is its ability to quickly multiply. Under the right conditions, these roaches can produce 20 to 40 nymphs, or babies, per month.

BULK FREEZE DRIED INSECTS?In addition to our live insects, Fluker also offers in freeze-dried form both our crickets and mealworms. Live insects may have a slight advantage when it comes to nutritional value, but freeze dried insects are still considered to be more nutritious than traditionally heat or microwave dried insects.

Our freeze-dried insects are sold in bulk quantities by the pound and are shipped in a clear poly bag.