
Small Roaches: Common Myths Debunked

Small Roaches: Common Myths Debunked

Posted by The Fluker's Team on Aug 19th 2024

Roaches often get a bad rap. People tend to associate them with dirty environments and disease. However, not all roaches are pests. In fact, some small roaches can be quite beneficial, especially if you keep exotic pets. In this article, we will debunk common myths about small roaches and discuss their benefits.

Myth 1: All Roaches Are Dirty and Carry Diseases

The Truth About Small Roaches

                                          Image of Small, Medium, and Large Dubia Roaches on white Background

Contrary to popular belief, not all roaches are dirty or carry diseases. Many small roaches, such as Dubia roaches, are clean and pose no health risks. These roaches are often raised in controlled environments, ensuring they are free from contaminants.

The Benefit of Hissing Cockroaches for Your Pet

Hissing cockroaches, for example, are often used as feeder insects for exotic pets. They are clean and provide a high-protein diet for your pets. These roaches are an excellent choice for reptiles, amphibians, and even some birds. They are easy to care for and do not emit unpleasant odors.

Image of Madagascar Hissing Cockroach on White Background

Myth 2: Roaches Are Hard to Care For

Easy Maintenance

Many people think that roaches are difficult to care for, but this is not the case. Small roaches like Dubia and hissing cockroaches are relatively low maintenance. They require basic housing, such as a plastic container with ventilation and a simple diet of fruits, vegetables, and commercial roach food.

Nutritional Benefit of Dubia Roaches

Nutritional Powerhouse

Dubia roaches are known for their nutritional benefits. They are high in protein, low in fat, higher in calcium, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. This makes them an ideal feeder insect for a variety of exotic pets. Unlike crickets, Dubia roaches do not have a strong odor and are less likely to cause allergies.

Myth 3: Roaches Are Only Good as Pest Control

Small Roaches as Feeder Insects

While it's true that some roaches are used for pest control, small roaches like Dubia and hissing cockroaches are more commonly used as feeder insects. They provide a balanced diet for your exotic pets, helping them thrive. Roaches are a natural part of many animals' diets in the wild, making them a more suitable food source compared to other feeder insects.

Exotic Pets and Roaches

Exotic pets, such as bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and tarantulas, benefit greatly from a diet that includes small roaches. These pets require a varied diet to meet their nutritional needs, and roaches provide an excellent source of protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients.

Myth 4: Roaches Are Invasive and Will Infest Your Home

Contained Environment

One of the biggest fears people have about keeping roaches is the possibility of an infestation. However, when kept in a controlled environment, small roaches are unlikely to escape and infest your home. Dubia and hissing cockroaches, in particular, are not known for their ability to climb smooth surfaces, making them easy to contain.

Myth 5: Roaches Are Unpleasant to Handle

Handling Small Roaches

Many people are squeamish about handling roaches, but small roaches are generally docile and easy to manage. They do not bite, sting, or cause harm to humans. With time and experience, most pet owners find that handling these roaches becomes second nature.

If you have a phobia of live insects or if you are looking for a more convenient way to feed your reptile, check out your preferred retailer for Fluker's Gourmet-Style Dubia Roaches. They can be fed daily because they satisfy all nutritional needs.

Image of Fluker's Canned Dubia Roaches spilled out of can, talking the benefits of Dubia Roaches

Image of Fluker's Fresh Feeder Vak Pack Dubia Roaches on White Background

Also available are Fresh Feeder Vac Pack Dubia Roaches, which are sterilized to remove parasites and bacteria. This process maintains the nutritional value of the insect without preservatives, which ensures your pet has a fresh, nutritious, and safe treat.                  

Image of Fluker's Freeze Dried Dubia Roaches

Lastly, Fluker's offers a freeze-dried option for Dubia Roaches. Give your pet a high source in protein and essential amino acids and enjoy the benefits of freeze-dried technology.                       

Real-World Examples

Many pet owners have found success in using small roaches as feeder insects. For instance, John, a reptile enthusiast, shares his experience: "I started using Dubia roaches for my bearded dragon, and I've seen a significant improvement in her health and energy levels. They're easy to care for and don't smell like crickets."

Myth 6: Roaches Are Expensive to Buy and Maintain

Cost-Effective Solution

Small roaches are actually quite affordable. A colony of Dubia roaches can be started with a small investment and will reproduce, providing a sustainable source of feeder insects for your pets. The cost of maintaining a roach colony is also minimal, as they require basic food and housing.

Myth 7: Roaches Have No Nutritional Value

Nutritional Benefit of Dubia Roaches

As mentioned earlier, Dubia roaches are a nutritional powerhouse. They provide a balanced diet for your exotic pets, ensuring they receive the protein, vitamins, and minerals they need to stay healthy. Many pet owners have reported improved health and vitality in their pets after switching to a diet that includes small roaches.


Image of Fluker's High Calcium Dubia Roaches in 3 sizes on White Background

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches and Live Dubia Roaches are available in adult and juvenile sizes at Fluker's. Fluker's also has the gut-loading essentials you need for all your feeder insects.

Comparing Nutritional Values

Compared to other feeder insects like crickets and mealworms, Dubia roaches offer superior nutritional value. They have a higher protein content and a better calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which is crucial for the bone health of reptiles and amphibians.


In conclusion, small roaches are often misunderstood and unfairly maligned. They offer numerous benefits, especially for exotic pet owners. From their nutritional value to their ease of care, small roaches like Dubia and hissing cockroaches are an excellent choice for feeder insects. By debunking these common myths, we hope to provide a clearer understanding of the advantages of keeping small roaches.

Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or new to the world of exotic pets, consider giving small roaches a try. They are ideal for insect-eating reptiles, birds, or small animals. You might be surprised at how beneficial they can be for your pets' health and well-being.