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Fluker's incandescent light bulbs provide the radiant heat (infrared light) that reptiles need. Reptiles are ectothermic and depend on their environmental temperature to regulate their core body temperature. If a reptile is not provided an appropriate environmental temperature range (ETR), it may be predisposed to chronic infections. Because ETRs vary from species to species, ask your pet professional or review available literature for guidance in determining the appropriate ETR for your pet. Fluker's has provided an easy-to-read reference table to simplify bulb selection based on the distance the bulb will be placed from the reptile. 

Distance from bulb              6"                                           12"                                                18"

25 Watt 85 degrees Fahrenheit 77 degrees Fahrenheit 72 degrees Fahrenheit
60 Watt 92 degrees Fahrenheit 80 degrees Fahrenheit 77 degrees Fahrenheit
75 Watt 99 degrees Fahrenheit 86 degrees Fahrenheit 83 degrees Fahrenheit
100 Watt 104 degrees Fahrenheit 93 degrees Fahrenheit 88 degrees Fahrenheit
150 Watt 117 degrees Fahrenheit 101 degrees Fahrenheit 92 degrees Fahrenheit 

Temperatures average at specified distances; may vary based on size or type of enclosure. All testing performed at 68 degree room temperature. 


The sun produces three primary types of light: ultraviolet, visible, and infrared. Ultraviolet (UV) light helps in regulating behavior and stimulating Vitamin D production in reptiles. Visible light is the spectrum of light that allows humans and animals to see within our environment. Fluker's 5.0 UVB and 10.0 UVB Sun Glow Coil Bulbs generate both UV and visible light and should be used in combination with the Fluker's incandescent light bulbs to mimic natural sunlight. 



Gently fasten the Fluker's incandescent bulb into a Repta-Clamp Lamp with Switch or any UL approved incandescent fixture. Do not plug light fixture into an electrical socket until bulb is fastened firmly to fixture. Place light fixture outside of reptile's enclosure. NEVER place the light fixture inside the enclosure. Reptiles can develop life-threatening thermal burns from contact with an exposed light bulb. Multiple incandescent lights may be required to establish an appropriate ETR. A Fluker's thermometer can be used to monitor temperature within the reptile's environment. Reptile behavior is directly tied to photoperiod (light cycle), so it is important to provide appropriate intervals of light and darkness. Fluker's recommends a 12-hour day/ 12-hour night light cycle. A Fluker's red light can be used to observe your reptile at night.