Fluker's Ceramic Heat Emitter provides natural, infrared heat that simulates the sun. You can use this emitter to establish a natural basking area for your pet. Always provide your pet with preferred optimal temperature zone (POTZ). Consult your pet shop or herpetologist to determine which POTZ is best for your pet reptile.
Screw Fluker's Ceramic Heat Emitter into Fluker's Ceramic Clamp Lamp or similar lamp with ceramic socket. Make sure the maximum wattage is not exceeded for the lamp's rating. Secure the lamp at one end of the enclosure (basking area) and plug in. This will allow your reptile to retreat to the cooler side of the enclosure if desired. Do not place the heat emitter over glass or plexiglass. Do not allow reptile(s) to come in direct contact with the heat emitter. Before placing your reptile in the enclosure, turn the emitter on and allow to heat for up to 30 minutes. Measure the temperature of the enclosure under the heat emitter to determine that it is appropriate for your pet.