Buffet Blend Veggie Variety for Juvenile Bearded Dragons

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The Buffet Blend Veggie Variety is a combination of vitamin fortified pellets, freeze-dried peas, squash, and alfalfa. This unique blend ensures that not only will your pet love to eat it, but your pet will also receive the proper balance of essential proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

  • available in 5 oz. jar.



Bearded Dragons, like us, need a certain amount of calories per day for health and vitality. Buffet Blend is scientifically formulated to meet these needs. You may increase or decrease the amount of pellets offered depending on the needs of your bearded dragon. Offer fresh food daily. Disinfect food and water bowls daily. Food can be moistened to help increase daily water consumption. Dietary diversity is important. We recommend supplementing this diet with live food such as crickets and mealworms. 

Store in cool, dry place. No refrigeration necessary.