Crafted Cuisine

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Crafted Cuisine

• Veterinarian Formulated
• Moist Diet Provides both Nutrition and Hydration
• Real Insects, Vegetables and Fruit for Superior Nutrition

• Soft Pellets are Highly Pallatable and Convenient

• No artificial Colors or Flavors
Dragon Diet Adult - Moist diet sized for adult bearded dragons as well as many other reptiles. Contains over 25% insects with crickets and mealworms as the top two ingredients. Also includes a diverse assortment of vegetables and fruits for a nutritious balanced diet.
Dragon Diet Juvenile - Moist diet sized for juvenile bearded dragons as well as many other reptiles. Top ingredients include Crickets, Mealworms, Soy Flour, Whey Protein Concentrate and Tomato Pomace.
Garden Blend - Moist diet Bearded Dragons, Tortoises, Fruit-Eating Geckos, Box Turtles, Blue-Tongued Skinks, Uromastyx, Iguanas and all reptiles that benefit from a diet of vegetables and fruit. Top ingredients include Red Bell Pepper, Sweet Potato, Timothy Hay, Tomato Pomace and Kale.
Tortoise Diet - Moist diet great for Sulcate Tortoises, Red and Yellow Foot Tortoises, Leopard Tortoises, Greek and Russian Tortoises and Hermann’s Tortoises. Veterinarian formulated  specifically to contain Timothy Hay as the top ingredient. A diverse and nutritious assortment of 14 other vegetables and fruits.
Turtle Diet - Moist diet for Red-Eared Sliders, Painted Turtles, Softshell Turtles, Map Turtles, Musk Turtles, Cooters and Snapping Turtles. Formulated from real insects, vegetables, and fruit that replicates the foods that your reptile would find in the wild. Fortified with added vitamins and minerals to help support optimal health and growth of your reptile.