product description
Drosophila hydei (giant) and Drosophila melanogaster (regular) are flightless fruit flies that are popular feeder insects for small reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Their small size and ease of care make them ideal for feeding tiny pets, such as dart frogs, young reptiles, or tarantulas. Drosophila hydeiare larger, making them suitable for slightly larger pets, while Drosophila melanogasterare smaller and often used for hatchlings or smaller species.
Caring for Flightless Fruit Flies:
The flies have everything they need inside the container in which they are shipped, just feed to your animal as needed by shaking out any amount of flies. Make sure always to keep a few flies in the culture for breeding purposes. Flightless Fruit Fly cultures have a lifespan of about one month, and the larvae will continually pupate from eggs laid by the adults in the culture during this time. Each vial contains 40-50 adult flies with medium and can produce over 500 flies over the life of the culture.
For preservation, the culture should be stored at room temperature and kept out of direct sunlight.
Estimated Sizing:
Regular fruit flies are about 1/16."
Giant fruit flies are about 1/8."
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